Where are hospitals advertising now?

I find more hospitals with blogs every week. One that I enjoy reading is https://runningahospital.blogspot.com/, started by Paul Levy, President and CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

I have also  found many hospitals on twitter. One example is https://www.twitter.com/sierra-view, a great hospital I worked with, and another is https://twitter.com/mayoclinic, the Mayo Clinic.

More than ever we need to us social media and the internet to advertise what we do and how we are different and better. A recent survey shows that internet advertising has overtaken newspaper, and I want you to be aware of this if you have not seen or heard this. Take some time and read the whole report and see what you can do to stay current. Television is not far behind…


Internet Overtakes Newspapers As News Outlet

Pew Research Center

The internet, which emerged this year as a leading source for campaign news, has now surpassed all other media except television as an outlet for national and international news.
Currently, 40% say they get most of their news about national and international issues from the internet, up from just 24% in September 2007. For the first time in a Pew survey, more people say they rely mostly on the internet for news than cite newspapers (35%). Television continues to be cited most frequently as a main source for national and international news, at 70%.


Internet over Newspaper

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