Reviewing Housekeeping Operations

I had a great question last Friday… How would you review a housekeeping operation?

Here are some of the steps I said would be important in reviewing their existing housekeeping operations or developing new outsourcing initiatives.

Two key phases of review include:


  • Interviews with administration/housekeeping/staff
  • Facility inspection
  • FTE analysis
  • Existing support contracts
  • Departmental policies & procedures
  • Review of housekeeping requirements
  • Budget review
  • Review of supplies & equipment


  • Physical auditing process
  • FTE determination
  • Training requirements
  • Contractor performance expectations
  • Quantifiable & measurable performance requirements
  • Quality control processes
  • Benchmarking
  • Selection of qualified contractors and contract type
  • Work loading

These are first steps, and make a great start. Contact me if you want to discuss this further.

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