There’s a simple way to become indestructible: have the intention to do your best at whatever you’re doing, right now. To gain the invulnerability I’m referring to, you must pass through the gate of the total vulnerability putting yourself on that line demands.
Not BE the best… DO your best. Attempting to be the best can easily have struggle, ego and self-recrimination as baggage, with win/lose as a format. But Doing your best is a dynamic, ever-changing experience that is possible any time, by any one. It is engaging with your life and work in the present with an attitude and altitude that is constantly renewing and refreshing. And you can win, whenever.
The powerful freedom that comes with that experience is not free, however. You must move to a risky edge. You must ask the what’s-best question, listen inwardly, and willingly respond to the answer you get. And that might mean sacrificing your momentary pleasure, your habits, your lethargy, and (God forbid!) your self-doubt.
I find it wonderfully ironic that if I am willing to give up my comfort, my independence, and my sense of control to follow the directions of my intuitive guidance, I gain access to a much deeper satisfaction, a real freedom, and true self-empowerment. When I sincerely ask myself, “What is the absolute best thing for me to be doing right now?” and I am willing to hear the answer and move on it, I become impervious to the slings and arrows of my own doubt, hesitancy and self-judgment. No one else knows how to strike at me with the sly vengeance of my own negative self. When I truly focus on doing the best I can, however, I have (at least for the moment) forgotten and forgiven the past and dropped the fears of the future. That in itself is certainly a healthy (if not a miraculously healing) event.
What is best for you to be doing right now? You can move on that answer in whatever activity at whatever level you find yourself. Best does not mean perfect. It just means best. The best you can do in this moment, with whatever awareness and resources you can muster right now. Make the spaghetti sauce the best spaghetti sauce you can with what you have and who you are, right now. Make this the best staff meeting you could possibly have, given the circumstances at the moment. While talking with your friend, your spouse, your mom, or your son make it the very best conversation that you could be having. The best proposal, the best drive with my family, the best performance review, the best nap.
It’s interesting that the answers I get when I am smart enough to manage my life this way are never very far from what I’ve actually been doing. But the shift in perspective always creates ideas and inclinations that add to my productivity, whether that’s more business for my business or just more joy in my day.