How to determine reactivity of hazardous waste

One of the four characteristics of a hazardous waste is “reactivity”. The other three are ignitability, toxicity and corrosivity and these three characteristics are pretty easy to define by measuring the flash point, concentration and pH respectively. Reactivity is a bit harder (less objective) to determine. The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has…

10 ways to help get in better shape for the new year

1. Choose lean protein choices, such as eggs, egg substitutes, lean beef, turkey, chicken, fish, “tofu for vegetarian.” Only broil, bake, boil or poach. Only olive oil or PAM. 2. Minimize consumption of high glycemic carbohydrates (carbs that make your blood sugar spike) such as white rice, sugar, certain pastas and potatoes. Certain cereals are…

Lean Resolutions

Pat Wardwell, COO of the Greater Boston Manufacturing Partnership suggests ten New Year’s resolutions for Lean leaders. These are great suggestions and most I have been doing regularly. The summary: 1. Set aside time each week to actively and openly nurture the Lean journey in your organization; 2. Get out of your office and walk…

Problem: Finish is Too Stick or Tacky

Finish is too Sticky or Tacky Cause Solution Not enough drying time between coats. Under normal conditions, finishes dry in 20-30 minutes. High humidity extends drying time. Restorer not properly diluted or applied too frequently. Follow label instructions. Overuse can leave a sticky residue. Restorer/maintainer not burnished soon enough after application. When dry, restorer/maintainer will…