Physical Environment Reminders

Storage on the floor must be neat and orderly.

No storage within 18 inches of the ceiling, except on shelves against the wall as long as sprinklers are not obstructed.

No evidence of smoking.

All exit signs are illuminated.

No storage of flammables or anything except cleaning items under sinks.

No door stops are allowed.

All equipment must be placed on one side of the hallway. Preferably nothing is in the hallway except crash carts and isolation supply tables.

Abate all trip hazards (secure cords).

Ensure stairwells are clean and no equipment is stored there.

All chemicals are labeled and your chemical list is available.

Do not block fire pull boxes, fire extinguishers or medical gas shut offs.

No evidence of smoking, no butts within 25′ of an entrance.

All gas cylinders in racks.

No visible dust or dirt on surfaces, floors or equipment.

No linen on floor, furniture or window sills; soiled linen in closed bag or covered hamper. All clean linen is covered.

No employee food/drink in patient refrigerators or at nurses stations. No food or drink on or in housekeeping cart or closet.

Check stairwells for trash and storage.

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