A Note About HCAHPS "Boxes"

HCAHPS results are publicly reported on Hospital Compare as “top-box,” “bottom-box” and “middle-box” scores. The “top-box” is the most positive response to HCAHPS survey questions. The “top-box” response is “Always” for five HCAHPS composites (Communication with Nurses, Communication with Doctors, Responsiveness of Hospital Staff, Pain Management, and Communication about Medicines) and two individual items (Cleanliness…

Behavior Labeling or The Secret to Winning with HCAHPS

I’m closing your hallway door, Mrs. Smith. We always want your room to be as quiet as possible. We always strive to clean your bathroom twice a day. It’s really second nature for us to always make sure you understand your medications. It’s customary for our team to always answer call lights within five minutes….

Diversity and Environmental Services

Our profession is so immensely diverse because of the level of talent and professionalism our members bring to the table. Many years ago, various housekeeping departments were just that–housekeeping–but due to the evolution of health care environmental services managers, we have become multifaceted department managers with responsibilities encompassing a wider array of functions. With the…

Environmental Cleaning Checklist

In view of the evidence that transmission of many healthcare acquired pathogens (HAPs) is related to contamination of near-patient surfaces and equipment, all hospitals are encouraged to develop programs to optimize the thoroughness of high touch surface cleaning as part of terminal room cleaning at the time of discharge or transfer of patients. Download the…

High Touch Surface Cleaning Targets

In the great work presented in Options for Evaluating Environmental Cleaning, December 2010 by Alice Guh, MD, MPH and Philip Carling, MD, objective monitoring of environmental surfaces was studied and presented as a necessary component of training. In view of the evidence that transmission of many healthcare acquired pathogens (HAPs) is related to contamination of…

Healthcare Reform and Environmental Services

As part of the proposed changes to healthcare, reimbursement for hospital care and post-acute care will be bundled; patient readmission’s will be at a lower rate in some cases; hospital reimbursement and performance will be directly linked; and physician self-referral will be more closely regulated. Out of those four important items, environmental services has a…

Extreme Leadership

We are currently experiencing economic situations not seen in many years. The times are extreme and uncertain. What does this mean for us in support services departments? Given the current economic environment, we need to develop extreme leadership skills, which means being more, doing more and accepting more. Not only must we be conservative with…

More Regulatory Complexities–Regulated Medical Waste

There are thousands of health care facilities in the United States. I imagine there are mock surveys and actual surveys everyday somewhere. And during each one, many regulations and requirements are checked for compliance. An increasing focus is being paid to regulated medical waste or RMW. Most health care facility professionals understand the need to…

HCAHPS Public Reporting Schedule

Wondering when your HCAHPS scores will be on the public reporting site? Here is the list for HCAHPS Public Reporting April 2011 through April 2012. Presented here are the calendar quarters of HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) survey results that will be publicly reported on Hospital Compare (www.hospitalcompare.hhs.gov) from April 2011…