Like, What Happened To Speaking With Conviction
Are people afraid to speak with conviction? Or are we losing people who really know, or at least believe they know what they are talking about.
A new study has concluded the U.S. hospitals are beginning to embrace Lean and Six Sigma business management strategies to cut costs and boost productivity, despite there currently being little evidence as of yet that these strategies are effective. Lean management focuses on removing waste from companies and processes, while delivering added value to customers….
Another great question and answer: Q. Which disinfectant should I use when disinfecting environmental surfaces? A. Your facility will specify the EPA approved hospital grade disinfectant to use. A good rule is to only use disinfectants registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). See Remember to always follow the instructions on the product…
I wrote some general cleaning procedures back here and several people thanked me and asked for more. So I want to take some time and give you some more general and some specific cleaning procedures, along with some important definitions. I have two ways to explain what I feel clean is. First, the absence of…
The most important staff related task we have in Environmental Services is training. Almost every challenge or difficulty we face can be reduced or eliminated with great training. I’m going to list steps that will help you conduct successful training. This is not meant to be a perfect or complete list, just use this as…
Here I continue to list cleaning standards. We use these as a guide to understanding our responsibilities in general cleaning. This is not meant to be a complete list, rather a broad overview. Enjoy your reading:
Paul Tarrant, Site Coordinator at Community Hospital North gives an overview explaining how Environmental Services cleans at this Indiana hospital.