Make a Decision

As a leader, your communication sets the tone for interaction among your people. This simple yet profound truth underscores the importance of clear, consistent, and intentional communication in shaping the culture and success of any team. Leadership is not merely about issuing directives or setting goals; it’s about fostering connections and empowering others to contribute their strengths to a shared vision.
Survey after survey shows employees consider recognition as one of the top desires in any job. Yet those same surveys show little recognition is received. How much of a leaders success is hindered by their lack of recognition for the work their employees do. People who feel appreciated are more positive about themselves and…
Development matters. It matters to you, personally, your team, your leader, and our organization overall. If you are growing in your role or building your career for the next step, you are energized, excited, and hopeful of what is to come. When you carry this energy, excitement and hope around with you each day at…
Recently I was given some feedback that I appeared too confident, and at the time while I did not purposely display such a demeanor the opposite would have been a little more appropriate, or at least, more expected. This is a good thing to be aware of. I appreciate getting this feedback because it was…
“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” — George Lorimer Self-determination to refer to a characteristic of a person that leads them to make choices and decisions based on their own preferences and interests, to monitor and regulate their own actions and to be…
“As the leader, your communication sets the tone for interaction among your people” “Two are better than one… and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecc 4:9,12 I was considering my leadership and the team members that enabled me to be successful. At every hospital I can reflect on those who were the closest…