Team Leadership Reflections Part 1

“As the leader, your communication sets the tone for interaction among your people”
“Two are better than one… and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecc 4:9,12
I was considering my leadership and the team members that enabled me to be successful. At every hospital I can reflect on those who were the closest and greatest contributors to our success and my success as the leader. Certain people came quickly to my mind and remarkably, where I had the the ability to grow the most I had the strongest team. Where I could not fit in was where I had no team.
The history of America has many examples of strong leaders and innovative people who were risk takers, and achievers, those people were almost always part of teams. A Chinese proverb states that “behind an able man there are always other able men.” You can not do anything of real value alone.
There will be a follow up to this post…
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