A BIG Little Word
"BUT" is a word that usually signals negative speech. For example, "Jason is a nice guy, BUT he can’t get his work done." or "Robin is a good cook BUT I can’t stand her taste in clothing." When we speak negatively about another person we try to excuse ourselves by asserting the truth of the negative fact we have expressed. After all, how can we be blamed for noticing such an obvious flaw in another person?
On the other hand, when the subject is ourselves, the word BUT is used as an excuse for our error in judgment or a flaw in our performance. "I would have taken care of it BUT I ran out of time…" or Yes I did that BUT it was because…"
A "complainer" is a person who sees the negative aspects in everyone and everything around them. This type of person cannot accept the good in his or her surroundings without the need to complain about what is not to their satisfaction. The type of person would be happy BUT…
A happy person will explain rather than complain. Looking for the good in others and for the best in every situation, this person says BUT when justifying the negatives in another. "She would be a better dresser if she came from a better home" or He would be a better student if he had the proper tutoring."
Make yourself and others around you happy. Train yourself to spend time explaining rather than complaining. Look for the good in others and talk about that. You can do it if you really try BUT maybe you have not tried yet.