Environmental Services Overview at Community Hospital North
Paul Tarrant, Site Coordinator at Community Hospital North gives an overview explaining how Environmental Services cleans at this Indiana hospital.
Good management means understanding how teams operate. It’s worth remembering that teams usually follow a certain pattern of development. It’s important to encourage and support people through this process, so that you can help your team become fully effective as quickly as possible. When forming teams, managers must create a balance so that there’s a…
Are people afraid to speak with conviction? Or are we losing people who really know, or at least believe they know what they are talking about.
Good old fashoned hotel guest room cleaning tips. While not hospital work it is similiar and we have to appreciate the hard working staff that take care of us away from home. Enjoy!
Far too many people spend more time planning their weekends than their lives. Then they suddenly realize that life has passed them by and they weren’t even aware it was happening. When you intently study what you most desire in life, you begin to focus your mind and concentrate your energy upon that which you…
In Environmental Services, we are aware that first impression of our facility is very important to our clients and other staff, so we strive daily to provide a clean, safe and attractive environment. We also ensure that patient rooms are cleaned to the highest level to prevent cross contamination. The hospital, staff and patient depend…
Another good question and answer: Q. What is the difference between cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization? A. There is a big difference among these terms. Cleaning refers to the removal of visible soil and organic material (i.e., dirt, body fluids) from objects by washing or scrubbing with water and detergents or soaps and rinsing with water….