Environmental Services Overview at Community Hospital North
Paul Tarrant, Site Coordinator at Community Hospital North gives an overview explaining how Environmental Services cleans at this Indiana hospital.
The goal of any Environmental Services Department within a healthcare facility should be to prevent the spread of infectious agents among patients and healthcare workers by meticulous cleaning and appropriate disinfection of environmental surfaces. To reach this goal, the EVS department will need to have a comprehensive training program, the objective of which should be…
HCAHPS results are publicly reported on Hospital Compare as “top-box,” “bottom-box” and “middle-box” scores. The “top-box” is the most positive response to HCAHPS survey questions. The “top-box” response is “Always” for five HCAHPS composites (Communication with Nurses, Communication with Doctors, Responsiveness of Hospital Staff, Pain Management, and Communication about Medicines) and two individual items (Cleanliness…
I had a request for basic cleaning principles for a doctor’s office. Here is a list for any healthcare facility, and for your home as well. Scrubbing is the best way to physically remove dirt, debris and microorganisms. Cleaning is required prior to any disinfection process because dirt and debris will decrease the…
In view of the evidence that transmission of many healthcare acquired pathogens (HAPs) is related to contamination of near-patient surfaces and equipment, all hospitals are encouraged to develop programs to optimize the thoroughness of high touch surface cleaning as part of terminal room cleaning at the time of discharge or transfer of patients. Download the…
Employees may be more prone these days to blame others for problems they have caused themselves, said Paul Harvey, assistant professor of management at the University of New Hampshire in Durham. Harvey, who studies behavior in the workplace, said it is “a natural human tendency to want to deflect blame for negative outcomes (especially at…
Productivity Sq Ft cleaned by housekeeper each day Labor Cost Cost of labor per Sq Ft – Separate by building Recycling The amount of solid waste diverted Absenteeism the % of unscheduled absences per year Turnover the % of personnel replaced each year Safety Number of on the job injuries per year Productivity – Floor…