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Infection Control Training for Healthcare Environmental Services
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Our Staff
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Team Leadership Reflections part 2
As a leader, your communication sets the tone for interaction among your people. This simple yet profound truth underscores the importance of clear, consistent, and intentional communication in shaping the culture and success of any team. Leadership is not merely about issuing directives or setting goals; it’s about fostering connections and empowering others to contribute their strengths to a shared vision.
High Touch Surface Cleaning Targets
In the great work presented in Options for Evaluating Environmental Cleaning, December 2010 by Alice Guh, MD, MPH and Philip Carling, MD, objective monitoring of environmental surfaces was studied and presented as a necessary component of training. In view of the evidence that transmission of many healthcare acquired pathogens (HAPs) is related to contamination of…
Hazardous Waste Labels
When an agency inspector comes to inspect your hazardous waste storage area, he looks for things like waste manifests, reports, labels, and plans. Why? Because it is easy to find violations in these areas – either you have filled them out properly or you have not. It is straightforward. The video below is…