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Some Qualities that Define a Good Leader
According to John L. Mason these are some of the qualities that make a good leader. . Leaders are always full of praise. · Leaders learn to say “thank you” and “please” on the way to the top. · Leaders are always growing. · Leaders are possessed with dreams. · Leaders launch forth before success…
HCAHPS Public Reporting Schedule
Wondering when your HCAHPS scores will be on the public reporting site? Here is the list for HCAHPS Public Reporting April 2011 through April 2012. Presented here are the calendar quarters of HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) survey results that will be publicly reported on Hospital Compare ( from April 2011…
The Joint Commission Expresses Concern Over Poor Infection Control in MRIs
HAYWARD, CA (March 4, 2009)—In its February 2009 newsletter, “Environments of Care News,” the Joint Commission, the main entity that accredits hospitals in the United States, has published an article titled “Preventing Infections in the MRI Suite: Magnetic Environment Poses Strong Challenges.” This landmark article quotes Peter Rothschild, M.D., author of the groundbreaking paper “Preventing…
A Note About HCAHPS "Boxes"
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Leap Over Killer Phrases
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