Like, What Happened To Speaking With Conviction
Are people afraid to speak with conviction? Or are we losing people who really know, or at least believe they know what they are talking about.
When an agency inspector comes to inspect your hazardous waste storage area, he looks for things like waste manifests, reports, labels, and plans. Why? Because it is easy to find violations in these areas – either you have filled them out properly or you have not. It is straightforward. The video below is…
Just a few more days and another year is over. Goodbye 2009 and hello to a new 2010. This promises to be a great year as is is the start of a brand new decade. You still have time to work on your plan and goals for the new year. Get busy.
I want to share this news story because it really explains a common, recurring situation that occurs when custodian, housekeepers and other service workers really love their jobs and the people they serve. MUSKOGEE, OK — Everyone remembers Pete Robbins’ characteristic greeting to the children as they came into the building at the start of…
Storage on the floor must be neat and orderly. No storage within 18 inches of the ceiling, except on shelves against the wall as long as sprinklers are not obstructed. No evidence of smoking. All exit signs are illuminated. No storage of flammables or anything except cleaning items under sinks. No door stops are allowed….
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, there are problems with individual performance. As a manager, you have to deal with these promptly. If you don’t discipline, you risk negative impacts on the rest of the team as well as your customers, as poor performance typically impacts customer service, and it hurts the team and everything that…