Basics on hazardous waste training requirements
Here is a short video from California’s DTSC on the training requirements for hazardous waste generators:
How to get rid of backlogs There are basically two types of task which we are faced with during a typical day. First there is the type of task which either gets done or doesn’t get done. You either renew the car insurance or you don’t. You either paint the bedroom or you don’t. You…
In view of the evidence that transmission of many healthcare acquired pathogens (HAPs) is related to contamination of near-patient surfaces and equipment, all hospitals are encouraged to develop programs to optimize the thoroughness of high touch surface cleaning as part of terminal room cleaning at the time of discharge or transfer of patients. Download the…
The major difference between cleaning a medical facility and any other building is the focus on the un-seen enemy, bacteria. Environmental Service’s job is to not only provide good visible results, but to reduce the number of surface bacteria to a safe level in order to control cross infection. This is an extremely important responsibility…
Another question and answer: Q. Does environmental cleaning and disinfection really work in preventing the spread of harmful microorganisms? A. Yes. But how well is works depends on many things, including the nature of the object, the type, number, and location of microorganisms, how well the organisms resist the physical processes or disinfectants, the presence…
It doesn’t take much skill to spot a problem. The majority of us in Environmental Services can see the obstacles in front of us, yet only a select few see the opportunities. We need to understand the need to stop focusing on problems and look for opportunities to improve our operations. I have learned to…
How to Develop Charisma: Twelve Key Moves Those who study the phenomenon of charisma say while some people are innately more charismatic than others, there are certain things everyone can do to boost their charisma quotient. Debra Benton, author of Executive Charisma: Six Steps to Mastering the Art of Leadership offers the following pointers: Expect…