Quality Guest Room Cleaning
Good old fashoned hotel guest room cleaning tips. While not hospital work it is similiar and we have to appreciate the hard working staff that take care of us away from home. Enjoy!
Sometimes you are not in a position to give your employees more in terms of tangible rewards. Increases in pay or benefits, for example, may not be possible. But there is no limit to the intangible rewards you can give them. These “psychological paychecks” require little effort and cost the company nothing. They represent an…
Perhaps you sometimes think you don’t want the responsibility of running the ES department. If so you are not alone. When I transitioned from Supervisor to Manager some years ago it was like this. In the beginning, it was a challenge of transitioning from being an employee to running an organization, of being lonely and…
I wrote about goals a few days ago and one question I received was “what are your department goals for this year? That is a great question because I make it a practice to write out what I call major objectives for the new year each December. These are sort of mid-range goals, not short…
As part of the proposed changes to healthcare, reimbursement for hospital care and post-acute care will be bundled; patient readmission’s will be at a lower rate in some cases; hospital reimbursement and performance will be directly linked; and physician self-referral will be more closely regulated. Out of those four important items, environmental services has a…
Janitor’s Song (Sung to the tune of “I know an old lady who swallowed a fly”) Lyrics by Wayne and Laurel Johnson I know an ol’ lady Who cleans at night. With all her might, She cleans at night. But that’s all right! I know an ol’ lady Who earns her pay. That’s the way,…
Sure it seems like a never ending cycle of cutbacks, reductions and expectations to do more with less. Some hospitals reach the breaking point sooner because they have been more efficient to begin with. Eventually even the over-staffed facilities will feel the challenge to keep up. Patient satisfaction scores are one measure of performance. While…