Quality Guest Room Cleaning
Good old fashoned hotel guest room cleaning tips. While not hospital work it is similiar and we have to appreciate the hard working staff that take care of us away from home. Enjoy!
Statistically successful objectives are precursers to, or actual goals, that have a better than average probability to help your personal or professional outcomes. Or simply stated; things you should do to be better off. An objective is defined excellently by dictionary.com as ’something worked toward or striven for’. When we combine this definition with the…
Another good question and answer: Q. What is the difference between cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization? A. There is a big difference among these terms. Cleaning refers to the removal of visible soil and organic material (i.e., dirt, body fluids) from objects by washing or scrubbing with water and detergents or soaps and rinsing with water….
How to get rid of backlogs There are basically two types of task which we are faced with during a typical day. First there is the type of task which either gets done or doesn’t get done. You either renew the car insurance or you don’t. You either paint the bedroom or you don’t. You…
Questions to help you delineate your goals… 1. “What’s my vision of the future?” 2. “Where do I picture myself three years from today?” 3. “How will others perceive me in the future? My boss, my peers, my family?” 4. “What has to happen in the next two years for me to be happy…
Want to start making more progress toward your goals or business targets? If you do, here is a simple process, which is guaranteed to work for you so long as you use it. It’s based on a weekly, 3 step process of; reviewing, learning and taking action. Although the focus is on weekly progress, by…
Our profession is so immensely diverse because of the level of talent and professionalism our members bring to the table. Many years ago, various housekeeping departments were just that–housekeeping–but due to the evolution of health care environmental services managers, we have become multifaceted department managers with responsibilities encompassing a wider array of functions. With the…