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Ice Storm Tests Kentucky Hospital
ICE STORM TESTS KY HOSPITALS’ METTLE by John Commins, HealthLeaders Media, March 11, 2009 If you weren’t living in Kentucky in the last week of January, the ice storm that crippled the Bluegrass State wasn’t much more than a lead item on CNN – something regrettable that happened to somebody else. You watched the coverage….
Seven Ways To Rock Your Mondays
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Lean, Six Sigma Management Becoming More Popular
A new study has concluded the U.S. hospitals are beginning to embrace Lean and Six Sigma business management strategies to cut costs and boost productivity, despite there currently being little evidence as of yet that these strategies are effective. Lean management focuses on removing waste from companies and processes, while delivering added value to customers….
School gives symbolic ‘high-five’ to late custodian
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Why Measure Environmental Services Quality Daily
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. ~Willa A Foster All hospital environmental service departments have some form of quality assurance process. However often the cleaning inspections are done when it is slow,…
Wax or Finish
This should help those who get confused… Finish = what we put on the floor. Waxing = the verb used to describe the application of said finish. Wax = What you apply to a car’s paint. Also used to make candles. Film = What movies were on before DVD’s. We wax a coat of finish,…