Statistically Successful Objectives

Statistically successful objectives are precursers to, or actual goals, that have a better than average probability to help your personal or professional outcomes. Or simply stated; things you should do to be better off. An objective is defined excellently by as ’something worked toward or striven for’. When we combine this definition with the…

Following The Six Aims

Following the ‘Six Aims’ By Tina L. Cermignano, CHESP There has been a lot of media attention about the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report “To Err is Human,” especially over outbreaks of community-based Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). However, we should concentrate on the second report from the IOM, “Crossing the Quality Chasm,” which provides a…

Steps for preventing infections in the MRI

Suggestions for Infection control procedures for free-standing imaging centers and hospital radiology departments The cleanliness of free-standing imaging centers and hospital radiology departments is crucial for reducing the spread of MRSA and other acquired infections. The following are 11 simple procedures to implement that can prevent the spread of these infections. 1. Have a written…

Cleaning is the Foundation of a Healthy Environment

We know that our primary purpose is cleaning. We train our staff to recognize dirt and soil in so many forms and to remove it. We educate, coach and celebrate our successes. We also know that good strategies for combating infection and cross contamination include things such as hand washing and personal protective equipment. In…